(-Sahil Satishkumar, @SahRckr)
There are many wishlist option available in the accounts section for all the online electronics store. But then there is a wishlist of my own in my head about the current technology that rings everyday in my head, so here they are listed. (They're not in any order!)
1. Invisible Earphones:
There cannot be any demonstration for this variant but the name has all the specifications. And you read it right "Invisible" earphones. But this doesn't involve any surgery. Current generation PMP, Smartphones, gives us the freedom to keep them somewhere not visible to others, and again, we never have to reveal which song is on at the moment. But the earphones always gives out a hint that we are listening to something. Which maybe irritating at some social gatherings that you have to attend (forcefully?).
2. Lower end smartphones:
This is not something I came up with. I've heard this from one of the Pocketnow Daily, videos by Jaime Rivera (Follow them. They're awesome). Where he suggests, Instead of selling us cheap and stupid smartphones, Why not sell us the previous generation smartphones at a lot cheaper rates!?
My opinion, Sounds illogical? Well it is not! Its lot cheaper for the OEMs to manufacture previous generation phones, with older components, than the newer one's with newer components.
3. iPhones:
Okay! Apple fanboys. I agree Apple has one of the best designed phones in the market. Also the camera optics are simply fantastic, And i personally like the stock keyboard on those tiny device. But they don't come cheap, and they don't come flavoured with Android.
Taking all the possible combinations with Apple phones my bag of wishlist has:
- high resolution 1080p 5 inch Apple iPhone,
- 4.3 inch 720p Apple iPhone running on Android 4.4, And
- 4 inch 32GB Apple iPhone 4/4S sold for 100-200 USD (in India).
4. More Qwerty phones:
If you've read my article Eclipse of Qwerty, you'll probably know how obsessed I'm with the qwerty form factor. Many of us are. But then the touchscreen smartphones have made a big dent on the Qwerty marketshare. The only cuurent generation Qwerty smartphones which are available(in India) are from the BlackBerry. And not everyone likes BB OS. So in my wishlist bag there are Qwerty phones, Android Qwerty phones, Apple Qwerty phones, Windows Qwerty phones, Qwerty Tablets, bluetooth Qwerty keyboard, and then the bag bursts.
5. Unbreakable displays:
Your 700-800 USD Smartphone/Tab says "Corning Gorilla Glass 3", it doesn't mean that your device will survive through anything challenged to it. Gorilla Glass does a decent job of protecting your device from scratches and some level of shock resistance, But OnePlus One says "NEVER SETTLE". Wish displays on our handheld devices were actually shatter resistant, After all they are the second most expensive components if you were to sort them in cost/density.
P.S.:I don't intend to evolve the current generation phones to weapons.
6. The need of a new universal port for the handheld devices:
Assuming that the 3.5 mm jack is reserved for audio output, the micro usb port reserved for charging and data sync. Where do I connect my other peripherals? Probably the one's that do not eat up the battery. Let that port interact with external keyboards, card readers, extra charging port, other phones running on same OS?
Well this idea is more of an experimental than it being practical. But then it's compelling factor.
7. Let android devices talk to each other:
Everything mentioned above was more of the hardware side, this one tends more on the software side. To those of you who don't know. I've a Nexus 7, 2012 tab and a Lenovo A516 phone signed in from the same Google account. When i'm outdoors, my nexus is deprived of the Internet connection, same doesn't apply for my phone. Also even for minor file transfers I've to rely on 3rd party applications. Which is actually not so comfortable provided the face that both of the devices are belonging to the same account. Not every city in any country of this world has access to open WiFi network. So there should be a level of offline hand shake alliance between Android devices.
Well these are few of the things on wishlist I wanted to share with you guys! Let me know if something that you know has some weight to it!
Sahil Satishkumar for SahRckrTech Weekly
Editor's note: Since all of our writer's are currently unavailable, the number of posts/week is going to reduce for a month. Blame the examination season.